CLXIV.DEAR FRIEND, YOUR letter came safe to hand, and I liked the contents of it. God will not leave his elect in the hands of blind guides or deceitful workers. All God's children shall be taught of him. Every one that hears and learns of the Father cometh to Christ; and God teaches us out of the law, that we may feel our need of Christ, and be led to rest our souls on him, and on his great salvation. And this is the end of God's teaching, that we may know him, the true God, and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent, whom to know is life eternal. The Almighty is now teaching you; and I know that none teacheth like him; therefore hear the rod, and who hath appointed it, for there is a voice in God's rod, which is this, "All that I love rebuke and chasten, and scourge every son whom I receive." This is the voice of God's fatherly rod; and blessed are they that fall under it, and submit to it. "Blessed," says the Spirit, "is the man whom thou chastenest, O Lord, and teacheth him out of thy law, that thou mayest give him rest from the days of adversity, till the pit be digged up for the wicked." If the account that you have given me be honest and true, it appears to me that God has begun the good work in you; it is God who forms us anew in Christ Jesus, and that circumcises our hearts to love him: and this love will find you out when you are made sensible of your sinful state, and are humble for it; and remember, the Lord will dwell with them that are of a contrite heart, and who tremble at his word. Nothing under heaven pleases Christ better than that of finding a poor lost sheep of the house of God's Israel. He calls heaven and earth, friends and neighbours, saints and angels, to unite with him in the joy, saying," Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost."0, what encouragement is this to a broken hearted sinner to seek and apply himself, by humble prayer, to the good shepherd, who loveth, and gave his life for the sheep. I know not whether you will be able to read my scribble; I get old, and my hand shakes; and being just, removed into a new habitation, it unsettles me. Farewell; mercy and truth be with you. So prays your friend and servant in Christ Jesus, W. HUNTINGTON. |
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