CI.July 4, 1801.Dear Sister in the Lord Jesus Christ, I am authorized to tell you that, when the first Adam cast off his obedience to God, the dominion of this world returned back again to God, who is the Creator and only proprietor of it. And that ever since our Saviour's time, after he had assumed our nature and died in our room, to redeem us to God; yea, as soon as he rose from the dead, all power in heaven and earth was given to him; and that he is now appointed heir of all things; and that all things are put in subjection to him, both angels and men; whether thrones or dominions; whether things in heaven, or things on earth: and he is the head of all principality and power, and head over all things to his church, and has power over all flesh; together with all judgment, all grace, and all glory, which are put into his hands. And that all things are ours in him, and every promise yea and amen in him; and in him the promise of this life, and of that which is to come. And he comes to his own, and his own elect receive him, and to then' gives he power to become the sons of God, and power to claim it; power to cry, "Abba, Father." And this is given to all that believe on his name, for "we are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus: and, if children, then heirs; heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ." By this faith the just must live - live upon the possession of the heir of all things. And sure I am that faith is a diligent, an industrious, a bountiful, and a liberal supplier of the necessities of the poor and needy; for all that she can credit, get, apply, or beg, she gives to the soul. She never says to the poor and indigent, Go, be ye filled, and be ye warmed;' but she lays hold of the bread of life, and puts on the robe of righteousness, which is unto and upon all that believe on the Son of God. - And many a crumb, many a sacred scrap, many a sweet morsel, and many divine rays and glorious glimpses, does she bring in to cheer the spiritually poor iii his distress. Faith is a good housekeeper, and a good doctress: she applies the bitter herbs, to strengthen the stomach, promote appetite, and help digestion, as well as the roasted lamb; that the heart may know its own bitterness as well as its .own joy. All Christ's garments smell of myrrh and aloes; and with myrrh and aloes he was embalmed when dead; and these two attend all that share in his death. "Fight the good fight of faith." Faith is a warrior; the word of God is her sword, the promises her encouragement, righteousness her breastplate, and God is her shield: "By faith they subdued kingdoms." Our heart and flesh often fail; and we often faint, tire, cast away our confidence, and give all up for lost: but faith renews the attack, maintains her hold, brings in fresh strength, and carries off both the banner and the crown. Faith works by love, and overcomes the world. "Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory, even our faith." Born of God. - How high her extraction, and how strong her alliance "All things are possible to those that believe." Every fresh view, every renewed act, every full persuasion, every confidential influence, is one step in the narrow path, and in the way to the kingdom. "We walk by faith, and not by sight." Her last work in this work' is to give us a perspective view of "the king in his beauty, and the land. that is very far off," and a full persuasion of a safe arrival there; and she calls up her little sister charity, to cast out all fear about it, and "charity never fails." "All these died in faith," and the end of faith is the salvation of the soul. This is her last kind office to a child of God; for the crown follows. "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life." After this we hear no more of her, she "being the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen," when the object of hope is enjoyed, and a covenant God seen, enjoyment succeeds persuasion, faith turns into sight, hope into full fruition, and love into flaming fire. Ever yours, W. H. S.S. |
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