LXVII.August 23, 1805.I HAVE just received my dear friend's letter, and thank him for it. I have been a long journey, and a laborious and a wearisome round; but not in vain, I am fully persuaded. One poor old farmer came a hundred and forty miles to meet me, and was brought out at Helmsley, where he resided; so that he did not seek in vain: and not a few more fared as well. God still owns his poor, self-abased, and much despised servant. Though I have been so long absent, and so fully employed, as not to have written to Lewes, yet the same faces have come to me when upon my knees as heretofore: and I hope, in return, they do not forget me. I came. home with my strength, body, soul, and cruse, not a little exhausted. But life divine is a springing well, to feed the gift, to fill the heart, and to furnish the mouth: while meekness and love melt the stones, soften the clods, settle the furrows, and crown the springing well. "Spring up, O well; sing ye unto it." A sleepy devil is like the marsh ague; it loves rocking, soothing, dandling, and nursing. - No remedy but prayer, do , I know of. Without Christ we can do nothing. Satan works in the head, and makes men frantic; in the bowels, and convulses; in the muscles, and cramps us; and in the blood, to make us lethargic. But he is worst of all in the heart, which is the seat of the old man, and the throne of Satan. Faith and prayer, importunity and watchfulness, will drive him, and all his attendants. Excuse haste, the post time is up. W. H. S. S. |
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