LIV.April 9, 1801.Dearly Beloved, wishing grace, mercy and peace to thee and thine, through Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. NOTWITHSTANDING all the opposition we have met with, from whatever cause, such crowds attend us still at Providence chapel, that we may well bless God, who giveth testimony to the word of his grace, and causes wonders to be wrought in the souls of poor sinners by the name of his holy child Jesus. In the wilderness Israel was obliged to look after God in the tabernacle, and upon the mercy-seat; and in Solomon's days they were to look and to direct their prayers to the temple; nor could the people get there but only by their representative, the high-priest, who bore their names on his breast; nor so but once a year: and when he pulled the vail aside and went in, it closed again, so that there. was no open way left. "The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest was not yet made manifest." But we can now look higher: our High-priest is entered into the true tabernacle, the holiest of all - into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us. This is a new way, and the old one is stopped up. If any but the high-priest entered the other, it was death; but this is a living way. The vail of the temple was rent at Christ's death; and the vail of Christ's flesh was rent and torn to pieces: and so the way is open, and we have boldness to enter by the blood of Jesus. And, what is still more, he admits our thoughts, hopes, hearts, faith and affections, into heaven now, and to the right hand of God, where Christ sitteth. Dear friend, adieu! W. H. S. S. |
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