XLV.August 25, 1797.WELL, sister M. and how do you do? What dost thou think concerning "Jesus of Nazareth, a man mighty in deed and word before God and all the people," who loved poor sinners with a love stronger than death, and who "for our sakes became poor, that we through his poverty might be made rich." Dost thou see any form or comeliness in him whereby he should be desired? Do thy thoughts go out after him, and hover like a swarm of bees over and about him? Is there any desires in thy soul after him? Hast thou got any wounds that want healing, any appetite that wants filling, any blindness that wants moving, any hardness that wants melting, any grief that wants soothing, any debts that want discharging, any filth that wants purging, any spots that want washing, any knots that want untying, any bonds that want loosing, any yokes that want breaking, any burdens that want bearing, any broken bones that want binding up, any faintings that require strength, any weak hands or feeble knees; or, in short, art thou full of wants, and wantest all in all? If so, give me thy hand, and come up into the chariot, and see my zeal for God. I am servant to the great Physician. I visit my master's patients, inquire after their health, and lay their various cases before him, and carry out his medicines; and am an eye, an ear, and a living witness of an innumerable number of famous and wonderful cures - even the leprosy, the scurvy, the plague in the heart, and the plague in the head. I attend conceptions, breedings, soul labour, and. soul travail. I have been at the birth of the new man, and at the death of the old one. I have been a wet nurse and a dry nurse. I have attended miscarrying wombs, and have seen untimely fruit, like a snail that has never seen light. I have made candle for others when I have wanted it myself. I have given suck to strangers, and at times have envied them every drop that they swallowed down. I have been permitted to carry leaves from the tree of life, and have gathered fruit from the same, every month, week, day, and hour, and sometimes all day long. I have at times been permitted to carry my master's robe from place to place among the sick; and as many as have touched it have been made perfectly whole. And now, as I have shewn you my country and my occupation, from whence I came, what people I am of, and of my present calling, is there any thing wanting in our way? What sayest thou of thyself? Consider these things; weigh them well, and seek relief while it may be had, if thou art sensible of thy needs. And learn for the future to shew a little more lenity, becoming thy high station. Severity seldom succeeds; nor does it spread the fame, or add to the honour, of the higher powers. Sister M. farewell; be of good cheer, be of good comfort seek the best treasure, the best way, and the best of ends; while I remain, with all due respect and submission, your Highness's most obedient and devoted servant for his sake, W. H. S. S. |
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