XLI.Sept. 30, 1803.DEAR SIR, Grace and peace be with thee, through our Lord Jesus Christ. I RECEIVED the sermon, or whatever it is; but, as I have no opinion of the workman, I have no heart to his work; perusing such cannot be called redeeming the time. We must cease to hear the instruction that causeth us to err from the ways of understanding, and depart from the man in whom we perceive not the words of wisdom. I have had my fill of the barren deserts of Sinai, of the husks of human wisdom, and of the superficial labours of all the ministers of the letter; and of these I can say that my soul loathes them. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal; and real ammunition is hard to be got, and too precious to be thrown at a mark that is not worth a charge. He is one of my Lady's men, and they must differ from those of my Lord's. But let us delight our souls in our own God, and make up our happiness in him, and then we shall take our house and home, our goods and chattels, our gold and silver, our riches and honours, pleasures and profits, ornaments and jewels, about with us; and leave nothing behind but that which is not worth taking, and that which will not pass current in the heavenly country. I have long set my heart and soul upon this, and I hope nothing will divert my mind from it. I thank you for all favours, and wish you may reap bountifully of that fruit which is the earnest of the great harvest, remaining, in the best of bonds, yours to serve, W. H. S. S. |
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