V.Bolney, Sept. 1, 1803.The Tenant to his Landlord sendeth greeting, with perfect love, and at such a time. I AM now among the wood-rangers, the people that dwell solitary in the midst of Carmel, and they come in all directions. The standard is erected under an apple tree, and my head is exalted among the thick boughs; while they sit under the shadow, and some with great delight, while the fruit is sweet to the taste; especially to those who have the use of their hands, and can stretch them out to receive and eat what is given. Various are the sweet morsels which faith relishes; continual deliverances out of trouble feed the soul; it assures the soul that God is for us, and on our side: a smiling providence in our favour is a delicacy that is sweet to faith; the reverse is a bitter portion: "Call me Mara, for the hand of God is gone out against me, and the Lord hath testified against me." - Sweet promises, transient visits, a glimpse of his countenance, and contrite sensations upon the knees in prayer, feed the soul. Satisfaction with what he has done, and firm hopes of more promised good to come, entertain the mind. Things done in times past, and promises spoken of old, brought afresh to the mind by the word preached, and confirmed by new observations, are a sweet repast. Every steward of the household brings forth out out of his treasure things new and old. Employment of the soul by love, and its going forth in fresh exercise of faith, whether under the word or in prayer, are intended as nourishment to faith. "I am the door; if any man enter in by me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture." - There is no call to tell you that the sensible presence and enjoyment of the Bridegroom is the choicest banquet, though it comes but seldom, because my landlord himself, who seldom eats more than just to keep buckle and thong together, even he cannot fast in those days. But my landlord may reply, Does my tenant think, because I am a citizen, no subjects can please me but those upon festivity? The first heir of promise, which came from Sarah, the covenant of promise, the heavenly Jerusalem, loved savoury meat. "With all thine offerings," saith God, "thou shalt offer salt;" and sure there never was an offering, a sacrifice, an oblation, offered to God, that was seasoned with so much grace as that offered upon Mount Calvary; a sacrifice of a sweet smelling savour; and it is no less savoury to all those who have a new man to feed, a divine life in that new man to nourish; these relish spiritual food, and the seasoning also; for no sermon, however sound in the letter, and delivered with ever so much clearness and perspicuity, doth satisfy, if there be no unctuous savour. Thou shalt not suffer the salt of thy God to be lacking in thy sacrifices: "have salt in yourselves, and be at peace one with another," says the Lord Jesus to his disciples. Salt is a preservative; it keeps us as a sweet savour unto God, and preserves us for his kingdom: it is remarkable for its penetration; so grace seasons the body as well as the soul, and brings both to endless felicity: and, what is more strange, there shall not an hair of your head perish; "For all that the Father hath given me are mine, and I will raise them up at the last day." At that day the trumpet is to sound, and the bridegroom to be proclaimed as coming; "At midnight there was a great cry made, Behold the Bridegroom cometh." This midnight is the end of the world: at this close God in Christ arises and shines in everlasting light and heat. This is the morning of eternity: "The upright shall have dominion in the morning; and then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun, in the glory of their Father's kingdom for ever and ever: who hath ears to hear let him hear." The trumpet that is to be sounded in that day is to be done by the archangel; and it is to sound the last release, the eternal jubilee; at which sound the creature, which was made subject to vanity and death, being by God subjected in hope, shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption, and be brought into the glorious liberty of the children of God: for this corruptible body must put on incorruption, and this mortal put on immortality; and then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory; the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. All rule, all authority, and all power, being put down, and the last enemy destroyed, it is no wonder that the trumpet sounds when the battle is fought, and the victory won; the enemies of heaven slain, and the King of kings proclaimed, crowned, and enthroned; when the objects of his choice, the purchase of his blood, the monuments of his mercy, and the trophies of his victory, shall for ever shine in his rays, and share in his reign; and what shall I more say? God save the King! and I heartily add, God save my Landlord, and God bless the Citizen! Amen and Amen, says The COALHEAVER. S.S. |
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