III.Northampton, August, 1792. Dearly beloved in the Lord,I ARRIVED here in health, peace, and. safety, and am gladly received and cordially entertained. Mr. B. preached here last night, and this night I am to handle my weapons; but whether to cut Rahab, to wound the dragon, or to kill some poor sinner already dead, I know not: the Lord give me good speed this day, that I may take a wife for my master Isaac; and, as I am so much hated, the Lord give me a good dowry. Thursday morning. - I preached last night to a crowded company, and had a good time. I hope some poor soul or other was entangled in the net; however, this I know, that his word shall not return void, it shall accomplish the end for the which it was sent, and prosper in the thing that pleaseth God. Surely I have long gone forth weeping and bearing precious seed, and such shall return with rejoicing, and bring their sheaves with them, to shew that they have not laboured in vain, and to be the crown of rejoicing to those who have been instrumental in cutting them off from the stubble, and binding them up in the bundle of life. The harvest is great, but the labourers are few; however, he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto eternal life; and the time will come when he that soweth and he that reapeth shall both rejoice together: then cometh the end and the harvest-home, when the sheaves shall be gathered into the floor, and the Lord of the harvest shall rejoice in the crop; when the labourers shall banquet at the higher table, and angels themselves attend the guests: while such poor worms as we, who are enabled to believe through grace, shall shine in endless light and burn in endless love; live in endless life, and bathe in endless pleasure; wear an immortal crown; be adorned in the shining robes of immortality and everlasting righteousness; look back to the path we have been led in; wonder at the dangers we have escaped; and admire the good hand of God that has held us up and brought us through: this is the end of our race, this the reward of inheritance, this the portion of our souls; and every visitation, every token for good, every answer to prayer, every drop of honey, every beam of light, and every drop of comfort, are so many earnests, pledges, and foretastes of it. My son, the Lord be gracious to thee, and keep thee near himself, that under the shadow of his wings thou mayest find a refuge till all the calamities of this life be overpast; until the pit be digged up for the wicked, and the door of heaven be displayed for the admission of the righteous; and an abundant entrance be ministered to us into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Ever thine, W. H. S. S. |
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