Epistles of FaithLetter XXIXWilliam Huntington (1745-1813)TO MR. B.I HAVE been this morning begging of the best of all benefactors to remember my poor friends, and I believe it was the Lord that set me at it; and it was the same that helped my infirmities when at the work, and gave sweetness and delight, pleasure and love, in the heavenly occupation. I have begged with more than human power, and all power is from above; and he does put it forth and manifest it in the souls of much despised reptiles. Of all sensations, enjoyments, pleasures, or entertainments; of all delights, amusements, refreshings, or comforts, nothing is ever once to be named or mentioned in competition with the humbling, softening, meekening, composing, and becalming influences of the most holy, harmless, innocent, and inoffensive Spirit of all graces, life, light, and love; and all his operations lead and direct to the great atonement, and to the all-preveiling and ever acceptable mediation of Jesus: this is the saints' sweet repose, his refuge and his rest, his safety. and his sure defence. I am in comfortable hope that the Holy Spirit will mingle his softening influences, and his quickening operations, with my friend's afflictions; and if he does, the inward man will find support to sustain the outward man's decay; and of this be assured, that peace of conscience is the best sick-bed, and love the best pillow; faith is the best bedstead, and the Lord's righteousness the best covering; the Holy Spirit the best nurse, and the Lord Jesus the best physician; the joy of God is the best candle, for this burns the brightest in the darkest night, the midnight cry will not extinguish it, nor the storm of Sinai blow it out. This is what is called a bad spirit, and antinomianism, but I am more than sure that it came down from heaven; nor have I a doubt but to heaven it will ascend. W. H. S. S. William Huntington |